Monday, October 7, 2024

October 15th - Everyday Stitches Jennifer Dick and Trish Price from Kansas City Program ($10 guest fee)

October 16th - Tinsel Tree Quilt Workshop taught by Jennifer and Trish of Everyday Stitches Details and sign up link.

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

September 17 - Samatha Krebsbach Program, Laser Cutting in Modern Quilting

September 18th - Quilted Shoes Workshop with Samatha Krebsbach. Details and sign up link.

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

May 21-22, 2024 - Cassandra Beaver (The (not so) Dramatic Life) Program and Workshop

So excited to have Cassandra Beaver visiting from Ohio to lecture and teach us a workshop. Visitors are welcome for $10 lecture fee. Contact us for workshop sign up links.

Cassandra is a mostly-modern quilter, pattern designer and quilting educator based in west-central Ohio. She holds a BFA in Painting and Theatre Design and an MFA in Scenic Design. Her award-winning quilts have been in more than 50 shows, numerous publications, and four of her quilts reside in the permanent collection of the National Quilt Museum in Paducah, Kentucky. Cassandra’s designs and patterns use traditional and/or foundation paper piecing techniques to create dynamic and unique quilts that are inspired by nature, architecture, and art.


Trunk Show/Lecture May 21, 6pm-8pm ($10 non-member fee)

Trending: Seeing and Developing Patterns in Your Quilting Practice

Approximately 45-60 minutes

How do you develop a quilting style? Do you even need to? What elements of your quilting come together to make your personal aesthetic? Inspiration sources, color choices, shapes, and quilting style all play a role in making our quilts a reflection of who we are. Throughout this trunk show, you will see the recurring motifs and patterns in my quilts, how these patterns create a body of work, and start recognizing the trends in your own quilts. This is an excellent trunk show choice for Modern groups and guilds.


Workshop May 22, 9:30am ($35/ member plus the cost of the ruler($30-40) or $50/ nonmembers plus the cost of the ruler ($30-$40). Ruler to be purchased directly from the instructor.

Piecing Full Circles

3 Hour Workshop

Take your curved seams to the extreme by going full circle! During this class you will piece a top for a pillow or mini quilt using a Classic Curves Ruler with a twist!

Prerequisites: The ability to consistently sew an accurate 1/4″ seam allowance

Supply List: available with sign-up payment

Sunday, April 7, 2024

Quilt Show - Online Quilt Auction

The online auction is open now!  A beautiful piece of modern quilting can be yours!  Our members have rolled up their sleeves and pushed their creativity to the limit in this show's auction - The Birthstone Challenge!  Participating guild members were challenged to design and create a one-of-a-kind mini quilt using only the color of their birthstone and a limited amount of neutral color.  Check out the awe-inspiring results and bid on your favorite!  Also included in the auction are a selection of other quilty, member-made items that you are sure to love!

Auction link:  NWAMQG Online Auction

Friday, March 29, 2024

The Amazing Dee Bushrod visits NWAMQG!!!

Our guild hosted a very special guest speaker this month!  The fantastically talented Dee Bushrod of Pixel Quilts came by to give a wonderful presentation at our monthly meeting.  She showcased many of her extraordinary quilts and quilt dresses, regaled us with delightful stories, and gave us a sneak peak at her upcoming endeavors!!  Dee also taught a workshop the following day in which members created a wall hanging of her most recent pattern Cherry Blossom!  

Sunday, February 18, 2024

A Fun Time Out in Bentonville at Market @ Record

     Members had a blast this past Saturday showcasing the quilting talents of our guild!  Member volunteers proudly displayed our Raffle Quilt and Birthstone Challenge Mini Quilts so that Market patrons could admire and appreciate the art of modern quilting.  Members also sold raffle tickets, handed out postcards for our upcoming All Modern Quilt Show (April 19-20) and online auction, and had a fantastic time with our youth engagement activity!  This was most certainly the highlight of the entire morning!  Children had so much fun creating their very own quilt blocks using fun colored fabric shapes glued to a coloring sheet.  We will most definitely be using this activity again in future events!

Just look at all those happy faces on these cute little future quilters!

    A great big thank you to all of our amazing members for volunteering their time and talents to make this a very special outreach event for our guild!

Sunday, February 4, 2024

Outreach Event February 17th: Market @ Record in Bentonville

 Come join us for a morning of fun!!  On Saturday, February 17th, from 9 am - noon we will be hanging out at the Market @ Record located at 104 SW A Street in Bentonville.  Do you have questions about modern quilting?  Our dedicated members will be on site to answer all your questions.  Have you ever seen modern quilting in real life?  If not, you will be able to feast your eyes on amazing, locally made examples of modern quilting!  On display will be our gorgeous Raffle Quilt and a selection of mini quilts that will be up for auction at our All Modern Quilt Show in April.  Raffle tickets will be available for purchase and only cost $5/ticket!  More information on our Raffle Quilt can be found on the Quilt Show page at the top menu.  

This Beautiful Raffle Quilt can be Yours!
Member made mini quilts will be on display 

So come by and say hello, buy some raffle tickets 😉, and shop all the local goodies from the Market booths!  Have littles to entertain? No problem!  We will also have a supervised youth activity!  We can't wait to see you there!!

Thursday, January 18, 2024

NWAMQG 2024 Community Quilt!

 This year the QuiltCon 2024 Community Outreach Challenge issued a theme of symmetry and a set colorway as depicted below.  Participating groups could use any interpretation of symmetry they desired and could only incorporate colors from the designated selection (as few or as many as they wished).  

The NWAMQG Community Quilt Committee rolled up their sleeves and got to work!  The final design "aimed to capture the essence of our community here in Northwest Arkansas, where cycling currently plays a significant growing role in our local culture.  The Razorback Greenway serves as a unifying thread, spanning 40 miles and offering a tapestry of world-class arts, culture, and recreational opportunities for people from diverse backgrounds.  The wheels in the design symbolize rotational symmetry and mirror the unity found along the trail.  Each of the background blocks, showcasing a scrappy design, was skillfully crafted by our dedicated members."  Please admire the gorgeous quilting completed by member Sonja Koch which creates a beautiful texture resembling topographical elevation lines.  This lovely piece of NWA will proudly hang at QuiltCon 2024 in February!

Saturday, August 26, 2023

New Board Takes Over on September 1st

 The following officers will take over their board positions on September 1st:

President - Brina Smith

Vice Presidents - Elizabeth Ray & Christina Lee

Treasurer - Sheena Johnson

Secretary - Tessa Davis

Thanks to the following committee members who will continue to serve:

Membership - Jeanie Allen
Charity Programs - Toni Fenton and Kathy Collins
Quilt Show Chair  - Tessa Davis
Social Media - Leeanna Walker
Retreat - Jeanie Allen

Friday, August 11, 2023

Vote to be held at the August Meeting

 The two-year term for officers is coming to an end.  We will vote on new officers at our August meeting on Tuesday, the 15th.  These new officers will take over  in September for a two year term, running from September 2023 through August 2025.

Friday, July 14, 2023

July Meeting Location

Southside Church of Christ will be having Vacation Bible School and using our regular meeting room on July 18th.  Our meeting will still be held at the church, but it will be in the back building/gym, where we have our All Modern Quilts show. 

Friday, March 17, 2023

Bind Your Own Business

 The March meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 21st at 6:00pm.  Doors will open at 5:30.  Several members will present on varying methods of binding or finishing a quilt.  Do you have a unique method, a tip or a trick that could be helpful to others?  There will be a sharing time at the end of the presentations.  Don't forget to bring your Show 'n Tell.  If you have a unique or interesting binding you would like to share, we would love to see it as well.

Friday, March 3, 2023

Birthstone Challenge 2023 Has Been Issued

 The auction for our All Modern Quilts Show 2024 will be comprised of the quilts made for the 2023 Birthstone Challenge.  Each quilt should be an original design, no kits or commercial patterns, although you may use a design element or inspiration from someone else.  Your challenge quilt should be between 12"-20" per side.  The following chart shows the approximate color for each month's birthstone.  A minimal amount of neutral color may be incorporated in your design.  Prints may be used that include other colors, but all fabric should read as your birth month's color.  Quilts must be finished, including the quilting and binding, by the October 17th meeting.